These are the gymnasts who have been hand selected to represent the Team at Elite, Regional and National events, Competitions and Camps.
This Team is selected from the youngest gymnasts of the club. Coaches will invite boys to train in this team if they are showing potential to compete and represent the club at future National Competitions and Events. The Boys in this group are 2013, 2012 + 2011 birth years.
The Development Boys aim to Compete on the Floor and Vault. Some Boys will be asked to push to Compete on the additional Bars and P-Bars.
The gymnasts in this team have years of gymnastics experience on all 4 pieces of equipment. They have shown dedication, commitment and loyalty to Miss Poppy over the years.
They are amazing role models for the rest of the gymnasts to look up to and strive to work towards. These gymnasts will compete on Floor, Vault, P-Bars and High Bar.
Thursday: Varies/span>
John Mason School